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》24DAYS电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:0060520736
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2003-09
  • 页数:400
  • 价格:93.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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This is the story of two Wall Street Journal beat reporters--one covering the energy industry just after the chaotic California electricity crisis; the other chasing stock swindlers. Together these journalists were ideally placed to uncover one of the great cons of the century. Here is a story about the fall of a great company and the practice of journalism, marked by skill, luck, and determination.

24 Days is the gripping, untold chronicle of the investigative process--often haphazard but imbued with insight and commitment--that broke through Enron's stonewalling and exposed its inner workings, setting in motion a chain of events that shook the public's trust in big business, Wall Street, and the accounting profession.

In Agust 2001,jeffrey Skilling unexpectedly resgned from his job ans CEO of Enron after only six months in the top job .While smith-who had been covering the California energy crisis-was away,the wall street Journal Los Angeles bureau chef drafted Emshwiller to interview Skilling.During a rambling conver-sation,Emshwiller stumbles onto an unlikely admission from the journalists'suspicions that skilling didn't quit for "personal reasons." This odd revelation raised ominous questions about Enron's much-bragged-about success.

The tow reporters pick and pull at the mstery,and with the help of confidential sources,who understood Enron's inner workings,expose and audacious scheme:Andrew Fastow's off-balance-sheet partnerships that hid Enron' failings and inflateg to be put off by Enron's arrogant dimissal of anyone who questioned the company's practices,Smith and Emshwiller relied on their instincts and common sense to shine a light into Enron's "balck box"finances.

Climaxing in the brief period after Enron released disastrous earnings in October 2001,24Days gives a reporter's-eye view of the tug-of -war between journalists and a giant corporation.Each day,a new story uncovered another fact.Each,the company issued denials.When the doubts and questions reached critica mass and momentum,the stock market cast its final vote of no confidence.


Acknowledgments xi

Prologue xiii


 Red Sky Warning

  1 "Our CEO Is Resigning."

  2 "Who's Andy Fastow?"

  3 "You Won't Believe What Skilling Just Told Me."

  4 "I Have Found That Mr. Lay Doesn't Take Kindlyto Criticism."

  5 "It Isn't a Conflict of Interest."

  6 "You're Just Scratching the Surface."

  7 "You Are About to Topple a $20B House of Cards."

  8 "I Want to Be CFO of the Year."

  9 "It's Okay to Have a Conflict."

  10 "Make the Journal Go Away."

  11 "He Would Have Done Nothing to Harm Enron."

  12 "Amend My Last Statement."

  13 "I'm Not Sure It Had a Name."

  14 "You Missed Something That Could Be Really Big."

  15 "Looks Like the SEC Read Your Stories."

  16 "There ls an Appearance That You Are Hiding Something."

  17 "I Must Have Heard the Term Death Spiral a Dozen Times Today."



 Theparty's Over


 Aftershocks and Revelations


 The Peep Walk



REBECCA SMITH is a national energy reporter in the Los Angeles bureau of the Wall Stree Journal.In 2001 she won the Gerald Loeb Award for beat reporting for her energy coverag.In 1996,she shared a Gerald Loeb Award for distinguished financial and economic














Book Description

This is the story of two Wall Street Journal beat reporters -- one covering the energy industry just after the chaotic California electricity crisis; the other chasing stock swindlers. Together these journalists were ideally placed to uncover one of the great cons of the century. Here is a story about the fall of a great company, and the practice of journalism, marked by skill, luck, and determination.

24 Days is the gripping, untold chronicle of the investigative process -- often haphazard but imbued with insight and commitment -- that broke through Enron's stonewalling and exposed its inner workings, setting in motion a chain of events that shook the public's trust in big business, Wall Street, and the accounting profession.

In August 2001, Jeffrey Skilling unexpectedly resigned from his job as CEO of Enron after only six months in the top job. While Smith -- who had been covering the California energy crisis -- was away, the Wall Street Journal Los Angeles bureau chief drafted Emshwiller to interview Skilling. During a rambling conversation, Emshwiller stumbles onto an unlikely admission from the corporate prodigy, which partly confirms the journalists' suspicions that Skilling didn't quit for "personal reasons." This odd revelation raised ominous questions about Enron's much-bragged-about success.

The two reporters pick and pull at the mystery, and with the help of confidential sources, who understood Enron's inner workings, expose an audacious scheme: Andrew Fastow's off-balance-sheet partnerships that hid Enron's failings and inflated its value by billions of dollars. Refusing to be put off by Enron's arrogant dismissal of anyone who questioned the company's practices, Smith and Emshwiller relied on their instincts and common sense to shine a light into Enron's "black box" finances.

Climaxing in the brief period after Enron released disastrous earnings in October 2001, 24 Days gives a reporter's-eye view of the tug-of-war between journalists and a giant corporation. Each day, a new story uncovered another fact. Each day, the company issued denials. When the doubts and questions reached critical mass and momentum, the stock market cast its final vote of no confidence.

Book Dimension :

length: (cm)24.5                 width:(cm)13.5


  • 故事情节:3分

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  • 思想传递:9分

  • 知识深度:8分

  • 知识广度:6分

  • 实用性:7分

  • 章节划分:5分

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  • 新颖与独特:4分

  • 情感共鸣:6分

  • 引人入胜:9分

  • 现实相关:4分

  • 沉浸感:4分

  • 事实准确性:5分

  • 文化贡献:6分


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  • 安全性:8分

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  • 下载便捷性:4分


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