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If there is a literary gene, then the Waugh family most
certainly has it—and it clearly seems to be passed down from father
to son. The first of the literary Waughs was Arthur, who, when he
won the Newdigate Prize for poetry at Oxford in 1888, broke with
the family tradition of medicine. He went on to become a
distinguished publisher and an immensely influential book
columnist. He fathered two sons, Alec and Evelyn, both of whom were
to become novelists of note (and whom Arthur, somewhat uneasily,
would himself publish); both of whom were to rebel in their own
ways against his bedrock Victorianism; and one of whom, Evelyn, was
to write a series of immortal novels that will be prized as long as
elegance and lethal wit are admired. Evelyn begat, among seven
others, Auberon Waugh, who would carry on in the family tradition
of literary skill and eccentricity, becoming one of England’s most
incorrigibly cantankerous and provocative newspaper columnists,
loved and loathed in equal measure. And Auberon begat Alexander,
yet another writer in the family, to whom it has fallen to tell
this extraordinary tale of four generations of scribbling male
The result of his labors is Fathers and Sons, one of the
most unusual works of biographical memoir ever written. In this
remarkable history of father-son relationships in his family,
Alexander Waugh exposes the fraught dynamics of love and strife
that has produced a succession of successful authors. Based on the
recollections of his father and on a mine of hitherto unseen
documents relating to his grandfather, Evelyn, the book skillfully
traces the threads that have linked father to son across a century
of war, conflict, turmoil and change. It is at once very, very
funny, fearlessly candid and exceptionally moving—a supremely
entertaining book that will speak to all fathers and sons, as well
as the women who love them.
Family Tree
Pale Shadows
Midsomer Norton
Golden Boy
Lacking in Love
Out in the Cold
Spirit of Change
In Arcadia
No Uplifting Twist
Happy Dying
Under Fire
Leaving Home
My Father
To Auberon Augustus Ichabod Waugh
ALEXANDER WAUGH is the grandson of Evelyn Waugh and the son of
columnist Auberon Waugh and novelist Teresa Waugh. He has been the
opera critic at the Mail on Sunday and the Evening
Standard and has written several books on music, as well as
Time (1999) and God (2002). He is at work on a book
about the Wittgenstein family centering on Paul, the world-famous
one-handed pianist. He lives in Somerset, England, with his wife,
two daughters and one son, Bron.
Evelyn had his revenge fifty years later when he wrote to Alec to inform him that 'some lunatic' had offered sixty guineas for a copy of The World to Come. Did Alec still have a copy? If so, he could make money too.
Evelyn Waugh centenary celebrations in 2003 I was invited to give an after-dinner speech in the dining hall of Hertford College... As I stood pompous boardroom portrait of Cruttwell(cack-handedly executed by his cousin Grace), great waves of family pride engulfed me. ... 'Let us now raise our glasses and drink to C.R.M.F. Cruttwell, that he may for ever be remembered as a do sodomist and a total shit.'
He had written one bestseller - the first biography of Tennyson - and had contributed an important article to the inaugural edition of that scandalous organ the Yellow Book. ... If Arthur was not exactly famous he was known to all in the highest literary circles of his day.
The reason for Arthur's choice was that Lancing's high Anglicanism might suit Evelyn's religiosigy....Then he had shocked his father by announcing that he wanted to be a priest..
When Evelyn was twelve he set up a shrine in his beadroom at Underhill so that he could play at being a priest. ... Instead of the toys that normal boys asked for at Christmas, Evelyn requested that Aunt Elsie send him a crucifix and Aunt Trissie two brass bowls to fill with flowers. He spent many hours at his shrine emulating priestly actions in the flamboyant manner of Mr. Bourchier.
J. R. R. Tolkien, one time professor of English Language at Oxford, told my father[Auberon] that 'waugh' was the singular of Wales and effectively meant a single (no doubt sickly, insipid, etc.) Welsh person. Papa gleefully told this story to Diana, Princess of Wales, but to his dismay she didn't appear to understand it.
If there is a literary gene, then the Waugh family most certainly has it—and it clearly seems to be passed down from father to son. The first of the literary Waughs was Arthur, who, when he won the Newdigate Prize for poetry at Oxford in 1888, broke with the family tradition of medicine. He went on to become a distinguished publisher and an immensely influential book columnist. He fathered two sons, Alec and Evelyn, both of whom were to become novelists of note (and whom Arthur, somewhat uneasily, would himself publish); both of whom were to rebel in their own ways against his bedrock Victorianism; and one of whom, Evelyn, was to write a series of immortal novels that will be prized as long as elegance and lethal wit are admired. Evelyn begat, among seven others, Auberon Waugh, who would carry on in the family tradition of literary skill and eccentricity, becoming one of England’s most incorrigibly cantankerous and provocative newspaper columnists, loved and loathed in equal measure. And Auberon begat Alexander, yet another writer in the family, to whom it has fallen to tell this extraordinary tale of four generations of scribbling male Waughs.
The result of his labors is Fathers and Sons , one of the most unusual works of biographical memoir ever written. In this remarkable history of father-son relationships in his family, Alexander Waugh exposes the fraught dynamics of love and strife that has produced a succession of successful authors. Based on the recollections of his father and on a mine of hitherto unseen documents relating to his grandfather, Evelyn, the book skillfully traces the threads that have linked father to son across a century of war, conflict, turmoil and change. It is at once very, very funny, fearlessly candid and exceptionally moving—a supremely entertaining book that will speak to all fathers and sons, as well as the women who love them.
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